Friday, May 14, 2010

1st training day

Since I am starting this training guide in the middle of the 1st week my first training day was on a Thursday. Nice day to start since it was an easy 1 mile run (or so it was supposed to be). I look back on how I felt while running it and though it seemed like I felt I was going to pass out and die right there on the street I also remember, near the end, starting to feel my chest get warm and my body beginning to loosen up and allow myself to just go. I originally thought that running uphill first would be a bad idea but I would hate to have to run the second half uphill since I would already be tired and after last night I think I will always go uphill first. But the main reason I enjoy doing the last part downhill is because you already have that motivation to finish it, gravity helps you by pulling you and helps you go faster, when you are going faster and you are able to open your stride you also begin to relax and enjoy the run.

When I returned home I feel exhausted and out of breathe. All I want to do is lay down and pass out but I know that the most important part of running is stretching afterward. I go into my backyard and sit next to my pool for a minute and while catching my breathe take off my shoes and dip my feet in the cool water. It feels good, and very welcoming. I stay outside while I stretch and I realize the run wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be, in fact I felt great. I slept so well that night and in the morning, felt better then I have in a long time. I cannot wait to start my workout on Saturday.

My training schedule

My training schedule is actually two half marathon training guides.  I do have a half marathon that I am looking at which is on August 28 (called the Top of Utah Marathon) but the half marathon that I am training for is the Lake Tahoe Marathon.  The LTM is on Sept. 26.  That means I have 20 weeks from last Sunday to prepare. (YIKES!) I went online and found two training guides, one is 8 weeks long and the other is 12 weeks long.  Since the 8 week long guide is from a magazine and the 12 week guide from a seasoned and well known marathoner I am first doing the 8 week guide to get into the habit and form the ability to be able to run 13.1 miles.  Once that 8 weeks is up I will be able to take advantage of the 12 week guide to push myself and make me a better runner.

Since 8 and 12 equal 20 it was the perfect combination of training guides to be able to get me to the half marathon, HOWEVER, I am having to start the 1st week of the 8 week guide half way through the week since I should have started last Sunday... no biggie, I only missed 2 workouts.  Here is the training schedule:
I hope this all helps to get you all started!