Monday, September 10, 2012

After a LOOOONG break....

So... it may be over 2 years since my last post, and I have a decent excuse, but none the less, 2 years is a loooong time.  I do remember going on my Sunday run after my first day of training, I remember it feeling just as wonderful and looking forward to my next day.  Monday came and I had this little suspicion that something was up with my body... I was late. Now, just to clarify, my husband and I were not trying or preparing, for heaven's sake I was going to be training for a half marathon and one thing that I knew was that you don't train and start something that rigorous if you aren't already running everyday (or at least every other day).  I couldn't shake the feeling so I did the worst thing and took a test... at work! Well, long story short, it came up positive :D  Knowing that I was prego and did not have a running base I decided to not continue my training.  I have however done races since my baby was born.

I ended up going into labor at midnight on 1/11/11.  17 1/2 hours later (OMGosh!) my little girl was born :)  I was able to stay in pretty good shape and only gained 24 pounds during my pregnancy.  I decided that the best way to lose the weight was to pick up running again.  I felt great a week after my baby was born so I decided at one month that I was probably safe to start running again (I know that A LOT of pregnancies and births do not happen this way, I contribute the amount of weight I gained, along with working up til the day before I went into labor, my age, and the fact that it was my first baby to all be factors in allowing me to "bounce back" quickly).  I do however remember running, only a mile, and I began to spot again and had some mild cramps. So, I waited another week or two, and after that was good to go again!  My aunt had been debating on doing a half marathon and my cousin was trying to talk her into it so I told them that all 3 of us should do it together.  We ended up signing up for the Rock'N'Roll San Diego half marathon on June 5, 2011.  I was a little scared because it was only about 5 months after my baby was born and it was early March by the time I was able to run successfully.  Since I only had about 3 months I used Hal Higdon's 12 week half marathon training schedule.

Now if you have ever looked at the training schedule, it suggest a 5k and a 10k run as part of it.  That sounded great to me since I still had never even ran a 5k race.  To shorten the story, I ended up not training a lot, only running about once a week, I ran a 5k in April, a 10K in May and the half in June.  The 5k went great, I believe I ran it in 28 minutes, the 10k I took easy and ran with my cousin, who happen to be 8 weeks prego (but she had a good running base so she was still going to run the half also) and ran it in 1 hour and 6-7 minutes.  The half marathon was a different story.  I thought I would be done in about 2 and a half hours based on my 5K and 10K times.  I hadn't trained properly so I took some advice from my sister-in-law (who is a runner) and she said to run a mile, take a breather and when I felt comfortable again run to the next mile and keep doing this over and over.  I believe that if you are not properly trained to run but can run at least a mile, then this is a great strategy to follow.  The first 3 miles of the race were a breeze and I was enjoying every bit of it.  Shortly after the 3rd mile we were running onto an on ramp (to run on a freeway) and I completely embarrassed myself.  I became the girl that fell. Not only did I fall but I skidded and I think I may have blacked out for a split second.  I was only able to half catch myself so my palms, quads and chin took a beating.  I had road rash running down my entire right quad and half my left.  My chin had split open and wouldn't stop bleeding and my palms had received bad road rash and had asphalt embedded in them.  I stopped (of course) until I could really think straight and everything wasn't spinning.  A nice couple of ladies stopped and happen to have wet wipes on them and tissue paper so I was able at least clean it off really quick and hold the tissue paper to my chin.  Looking back I think I should have probably stopped and gone back to the medic tent, which was less than 1/4 mile behind me, but, I decided to keep going, all 10 more miles! My leg and chin continued to bleed for a couple miles and my hands hurt so I kept wet wipes in my palms and just wiped the blood as I ran/walk (ok, mostly walked).  Now this may sound hardcore but believe me, it's not.  I was mostly just trying to finish the race as soon as I could because my breastfed 5 month old hadn't been fed since about 30 minutes before I started (remember, it was only supposed to take 2 1/2 hours so I would've been done to feed her again, and since this was an out of town trip, I didn't have a fridge to store pumped milk).  I don't remember when I finished but I believe it was around 3 and a half hours.  My body hurt and I was unable to use my hands (even to hold my baby, my husband had to put her in my arms).  I did decide though that it was worth it and I wanted to try it again, hopefully without falling the next time ;)

Fast forward and I tried doing the Ragnar Relay but was unable to secure a team (my husband, brother in law and his wife had done it when I was 5 months pregnant so I was the driver and it was so fun!) Since that fell through I ended up just running every once in awhile, like every couple weeks.  My birthday present from my brother this year was an April Fools 5K and without any training and on a very windy day I finished in 30 minutes.  I wasn't too upset, my running brother finished his in 24 minutes (he is usually a sub-20 minuter) so I knew that the wind had to of been pretty bad.  I ran the Color Run with my younger sisters (11 and 15) and because it was their first 5K and it was more for fun, we took our time and ran it in 45 minutes (one of them had to pee the entire time so we ended up walking a lot of it).  That is definately one race that I would recommend! Great starter race to just have fun and get a race under your belt :D  So now I am semi-training for another half marathon.  The date is November 3rd.  Less than 2 months away, but I believe that if I give an honest effort, I should be able to complete it, especially since I was able to complete the Rock'N'Roll after falling only 3 miles in.  Either way, I have already been running and even though my husband and I are actually semi-trying (for another little bundle :D) I know that this time I am more prepared and love that I am able to share my experiences with all of you!


Friday, May 14, 2010

1st training day

Since I am starting this training guide in the middle of the 1st week my first training day was on a Thursday. Nice day to start since it was an easy 1 mile run (or so it was supposed to be). I look back on how I felt while running it and though it seemed like I felt I was going to pass out and die right there on the street I also remember, near the end, starting to feel my chest get warm and my body beginning to loosen up and allow myself to just go. I originally thought that running uphill first would be a bad idea but I would hate to have to run the second half uphill since I would already be tired and after last night I think I will always go uphill first. But the main reason I enjoy doing the last part downhill is because you already have that motivation to finish it, gravity helps you by pulling you and helps you go faster, when you are going faster and you are able to open your stride you also begin to relax and enjoy the run.

When I returned home I feel exhausted and out of breathe. All I want to do is lay down and pass out but I know that the most important part of running is stretching afterward. I go into my backyard and sit next to my pool for a minute and while catching my breathe take off my shoes and dip my feet in the cool water. It feels good, and very welcoming. I stay outside while I stretch and I realize the run wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be, in fact I felt great. I slept so well that night and in the morning, felt better then I have in a long time. I cannot wait to start my workout on Saturday.

My training schedule

My training schedule is actually two half marathon training guides.  I do have a half marathon that I am looking at which is on August 28 (called the Top of Utah Marathon) but the half marathon that I am training for is the Lake Tahoe Marathon.  The LTM is on Sept. 26.  That means I have 20 weeks from last Sunday to prepare. (YIKES!) I went online and found two training guides, one is 8 weeks long and the other is 12 weeks long.  Since the 8 week long guide is from a magazine and the 12 week guide from a seasoned and well known marathoner I am first doing the 8 week guide to get into the habit and form the ability to be able to run 13.1 miles.  Once that 8 weeks is up I will be able to take advantage of the 12 week guide to push myself and make me a better runner.

Since 8 and 12 equal 20 it was the perfect combination of training guides to be able to get me to the half marathon, HOWEVER, I am having to start the 1st week of the 8 week guide half way through the week since I should have started last Sunday... no biggie, I only missed 2 workouts.  Here is the training schedule:
I hope this all helps to get you all started!